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 WERC  WE Riding Centre


Website Member Pages in the drop-down sub-menu to this Page are available only to WERC-registered Website Members.

Please note that, although registered with the South African Equestrian Federation to "act" as a "Club", WERC goes far BEYOND that description. There is therefore nothing stopping anyone, anywhere in the world from becoming a WERC Individual Website Member, and gaining access to the detailed information on the Web Pages reserved for our Individual Website Members.

Applications to register as a WERC Website Member are screened by the WERC Webmaster and Administrator, and those who are approved (i.e. NO JOB SEEKERS etc) are added automatically by the Website Administrators. Once you have your approval by email, you can log in from the "HOME" Page, where the "Log In" button appears at the very top right of the page.

WORKING EQUITATION is a Sport involving HORSES, and WERC does NOT act as an employer, a job-seeking agency, or in any activity that supports job-seekers, apart from SELLING TRAINING so that horsemen/women can perform their horse riding jobs better, and therefore earn better salaries. Applications that involve persons who do not own, ride, or manage horses as an occupation, a sport, or for training may be declined.

More information regarding HOW to apply for Individual Website Membership is below the paragraphs dealing with Categories of WERC Website Membership, a few paragraphs further down this page.

Non-WERC persons or organisations who click on any sub-page under this Page will be directed to a "Log In" Page that also asks for "Registration" for persons who are not WERC Website Members. Your Application for Registration will be considered by the WERC Webmaster before access to these restricted pages is approved or declined. Please note that this is NOT an immediate process, and may take up to 48 hours.

Other persons who are not WERC Website Members, and who are interested in this fast-growing Equestrian Sport, please consider joining WERC as an Individual Website Member in order to access these Pages, which contain information specific to WERC's activities as a top Event Holding Body (Event Organiser) and Trainer for the Equestrian Discipline of WORKING EQUITATION that is very new in South Africa.

WERC is REGISTERED with the South African Equestrian Federation (SAEF), and has been since 2018. It is entitled to organise and hold Events of any description in any Equestrian Discipline, because Working Equitation encompasses ALL types of "work" (activity) done with horses.

Categories of WERC Website Membership are as follows:

  • INDIVIDUAL WEBSITE MEMBERS - any natural person anywhere in South Africa, Southern Africa (South African Development Community - SADC - area, or in fact, ANYWHERE in the Universe. Website Membership is FREE (except for Aliens from Sirius - they need to pay for damages to the MD's crashed space vehicle).

  • ASSOCIATE WEBSITE MEMBERS - any organisation that promotes Working Equitation as an Equestrian Sport, which has registered with WERC as such. An annual Administration Fee may be charged.

  • SPECIAL WEBSITE MEMBERS - any Special Interest Group formed by Individual Website Members of their specific type (e.g. "Athetes", "Recreational Riders", "Non-Competitive Riders", Development Riders, Para-Equestrian Athletes, Judges/Course Builders, Marshals, and Social Website Members) from within the Website Membership of WERC.

Please click on the Sign Up button at the bottom of this page to apply to register for INDIVIDUAL Website Membership - follow the directions there (including answering any questions that you may come across) and allow at least 48 hours for your Individual Website Membership Application to be processed.

INDIVIDUAL WEBSITE MEMBERS may be "Officials" who help to run Events, and are registered with the SAEF (registration with SAEF is FREE for Officials); or "Competitive Riders" (called "Athletes" in the SAEF definitions), and represented by an Athletes Commission; or "Recreational Riders", currently with a need to pay a part-levy to SAEF, but entitled to ride in up to 3 graded events in a year; or "Non-Competitive Riders" (also called “Não Concorrente”, abbreviated to “NC”, in the WERC Constitution); or "Social Website Members", who may not want to ride or be an "Official" themselves, but would like to be a part of the sport or the training that WERC promotes.

A WERC Individual Website Member can only be a part of ONE RIDING category, but can also be a Social Website Member or Official Website Member, or both.

The criteria for the different types of WERC Individual Website Membership are as follows:

Participation (Riding)  Types of WERC Individual Website Membership:


This type of Individual Website Member is a full athlete participant and competitor in the Equestrian Discipline of Working Equitation, of any age or gender. The Athlete/Rider needs to be a Member in good standing of a Club (WERC is also classified as a "Club" in terms of its SAEF membership, however, "Club" Membership is separate from Website Membership) registered in the Equestrian Discipline of Working Equitation with the SAEF as an Athlete/Rider each year.

The Athlete/Rider is eligible to enter all competitions, events, and championships organised and held by WERC.

The Athlete/Rider is also eligible for consideration for the award of WERC "Club" Individual and/or Team Colours for Working Equitation, the Colours being awarded on MERIT for specific Levels of Experience as decided upon by WAWE (the World Association For Working Equitation) and the SAEF from time-to-time.


In terms of the SAEF Definitions, a Recreational Rider is a participant in the Equestrian Discipline of Working Equitation who is also a Member of an Equestrian Body ("Club") registered the SAEF, and who shall also register with SAEF annually as a Recreational Rider (this SAEF registration carries a lower levy than that of an Athlete/Rider).

At present, a Recreational Rider is entitled to participate for prizes in events, restricted in terms of the SAEF, and described in the paragraph below.

A Recreational Rider is entitled to participate as an Individual in Club, Inter-Club, and/or Provincial Working Association Grading Classes in up to three (3) events or championships in a calendar year, but is not eligible for selection as a Team Member for Club/Provincial/National Team Championships.

“Não Concorrente” or Non-Competitor:

“Não Concorrente” or “Non-Competitor” is a rider who practices the Equestrian Discipline of Working Equitation purely for training purposes, who shall be a Member of an Equestrian Body ("Club") registered in the Equestrian Discipline of WORKING EQUITATION with the SAEF, and is registered as an Individual Member in good standing with the SAEF.

This category of Individual Website Member shall not, in terms of the WERC Constitution, compete for points or placings in any way at any level. Não Concorrente riders may be scored in the Level of training in which they participate, may receive recognition in the form of a certificate, medal, or rosette, but shall not be entitled to participate in Inter-Club, District, or Provincial Grading classes in events or championships, and shall not be eligible for selection as a Team member for Club/ Provincial/National championships.

Other Types of WERC Individual Website Membership:


This type of Individual Website Member is a voluntary (although sometimes paid) person of any gender, but of majority age, who wishes to help in any capacity in the Equestrian Discipline of Working Equitation. The Official needs to be a Member in good standing of a Body ("Club") registered with the SAEF, and shall be registered with the SAEF as an Official each year. There is NO SAEF Levy for this category of SAEF registration.

The Official also needs to be registered as an Individual Member in good standing with his/her Body ("Club").

The Official MAY ALSO CHOOSE to be any Type of Participant, and shall be able to participate at the Riding level at any Working Equitation event at which he or she is officiating, but shall have no official duties and/or authority during the time that his or her participation class is being run.  An Official shall be a part of the Event Organising Committee, and carry the responsibilities and authorities of the position/s assigned to him or her, subject to the abovementioned provisions of also being a Participant at the same Working Equitation Event.


A Social Website Member of WERC has no special requirements, apart from adhering to the WERC Code of Conduct and WERC Terms and Conditions.

The Social Individual Website Member is entitled to all the membership benefits of any other type of Individual Website Member, most notably being included on the mailing lists and entitled to receiving notice of all matters of interest to WERC Website Members.

A Social Individual Website Member also has a vote on any matters or polls.

Social Website Members' interests can be supported on the WERC EXCO by the formation of a Special Interest Group.

by clicking the following button:

(The online form will open in a new browser window).

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