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WERC TO BE BEHIND THE DRIVE TO REVIVE WORKING EQUITATION IN KZN -- WERC Managing Director asked to reintroduce Working Equitation to KZN......

Three of the original people involved in getting Working Equitation started in South Africa - Prof Cheryl McCrindle, Glenn Leo-Smith, and Jonathan Harrison - contacted the WERC Managing Director towards the end of last year, to ask that he revived the Equestrian Sport of Working Equitation in the Province of KZN.

WERC's MD, Wayne Lourens, agreed, conditionally.

Those conditions are almost met, and so Mr Lourens has embarked on the administrative process of getting the support for the Sport of Working Equitation to be re-established at a Provincial level.

Mr Lourens worked closely with Prof McCrindle and Mr Leo-Smith, and in a small way with Mr Harrison, in getting Working Equitation established as a recognised Equestrian Sport.


At the Working Equitation National Association's Inaugural General Meeting, Mr Lourens became one of the 2 KZN Representatives on the National Association Council for KZN, was a Member of the National EXCO (holding both vacant portfolios of "Advertising & Marketing" AND "PR, Liaison, & Communications"), was appointed as the National General Manager, and then drove the process of applying for Working Equitation to be accepted as a recognised Equestrian Discipline with a seat on the SAEF (South African Equestrian Federation) Council. He was nominated and appointed as the first Working Equitation Representative on the SAEF Council.


If you wish to be a part of this revival of the Sport, please email Mr Lourens at

Posted on 18th January 2021.

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