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Because the Covid-19 pandemic and the hype and lockdowns that have caused governments to go into knee-jerk reactions, and use Covid as an excuse to manipulate people once again, the life we once knew at the beginning of 2020 will take a long time to be restored.

It affects us as Equestrian Athletes and Riders, it affects our horses' WELFARE, and it affects our horse management methods.

So, to keep our horses in the best possible condition FOR THEIR BEST WELFARE AND INTERESTS, we now need to change our paradigms about how we do things, and now go forward and do them.

We still have access to our horses, even if we don't keep them on our own properties..... and we can go and ride & "exercise" them.... but that will not help them (and us) to progress much on our partnership journey with them. Horses, like most of us, need new challenges and stimulation, and if we sit around & do nothing, it'll be time wasted in helping our horses to develop in their emotional, psychological, and physical states.

Since early 2019, the WERC Managing Director has been investigating various ways to train online.... and the time has now come that electronic facilities are available to do so.

All that you need to participate in these services are a place to ride/work (a 20X40 Working Dressage Arena and a 70X40 EoH Arena), a video facility (smart phone) and someone to take the video.... or if you can get one, a video cam that tracks you as you work with your horse so that you don't need an extra person. Oh, and just a few items commonly found around stable yards with which to set up obstacles for the EoH and Speed Trials.......

In the section of the website concerning "The WERC Managing Director's Vision", the background to this is explained. And New Zealand got the jump on WERC by offering Online Events..... WERC can offer the same...... plus a range of other services, like online Coaching.

Click on the menu at the top left of this text box to access the web pages that help you to get started....



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